القائمة الرئيسية


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How to create a blog on the Blogger platform and profit from it

Are you interested in creating a blog but don’t
 know where to start? Blogger is one of the most popular blogging platforms and it’s free to get started. Here are some steps on how to create a blog on the Blogger platform. 

1. Go to blogger.com and sign up for an account using your Google credentials or create a new account with your email address, password, and display name that will be used when commenting on other blogs or posting content from other sites (optional). 

2: Once logged into your account, click “Create New Blog” located at the top right corner of the screen then select “Title & Address" which allows you customize both elements for easy identification by readers later down the line if needed; follow this by selecting "Template" tab which gives users access various designs available as well as customizing color schemes if desired; also make sure not forget save changes once done setting up design/template preferences before moving onto next step! 

3: After completing previous two steps successfully now time move onto actual content creation process so click "New Post", enter title post along with body text including images videos etc., after finished adding all necessary information press Publish button bottom page ensure post goes live website - note can always go back edit posts anytime want!  

4: Lastly need set privacy settings under Settings tab found main dashboard order control who views site example private public only certain people etc depending preference choose accordingly clicking Save Changes button apply any modifications made here too...and there it is – congratulations just created own personal blog usingBlogger platform!  
Now ready share world knowledge experiences others enjoy journey ahead…good luck happy blogging
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